PDFlib Cookbook



Create accessible form field according to PDF/UA.

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 * Create accessible form fields according to PDF/UA
 * Each call to create_field() generates the required OBJR structure element
 * automatically. The corresponding "Form" element and auxiliary structure
 * elements must be created by the user.
 * The nesting of Part, Div, Caption, P and Form follows the recommendations
 * in the document "Tagged PDF Best Practice Guide".
 * Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 10
 * Required data: font file

package com.pdflib.cookbook.pdflib.pdfua;

import com.pdflib.pdflib;
import com.pdflib.PDFlibException;

public class form_fields_pdfua1 {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        String searchpath = "../input";

        pdflib p = null;
        int font;
        String optlist;
        int exitcode = 0;

        String title = "Tagged form fields";

        try {
            int x1 = 50, x2 = 150, y = 750;
            int fieldheight=24, fieldwidth=200, fieldsmall=12;
            int printaction, id_Part, id_Div, id_Div2;
            String labeltext;

            p = new pdflib();

             * errorpolicy=exception means that program will stop
             * if one of the API function runs into a problem.
            p.set_option("errorpolicy=exception searchpath={" +
                searchpath + "}");

                "pdfua=PDF/UA-1 lang=en tag={tagname=Document Title={" + title + "}}") ;

            p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
            p.set_info("Title", title);

            /* Automatically create spaces between chunks of text */

            p.begin_page_ext(0, 0,
                "width=a4.width height=a4.height taborder=structure");

            id_Part = p.begin_item("Part", "");

            font = p.load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "winansi", 
                "simplefont nosubsetting");

            p.setfont(font, 24.0);
            p.fit_textline("Kraxi paper planes order form",
                x1, y, "tag={tagname=H1}");
            p.create_bookmark("Kraxi paper planes order form", "");

            p.setfont(font, 12.0);

            /* =================== Text field ======================== */
            id_Div = p.begin_item("Div", "");

            y -= 3 * fieldheight;
            labeltext = "Enter name:";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x1, y + 0.5* fieldheight, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");

            optlist = "tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}} tooltip={" + labeltext + "} " +
                "bordercolor={gray 0} font=" + font;

            p.create_field(x2, y, x2+fieldwidth, y+fieldheight,
                "name", "textfield", optlist);


            /* =================== Combo box ======================== */
            id_Div = p.begin_item("Div", "");
            y -= 3 * fieldheight;

            labeltext = "Select size:";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x1, y + 0.5* fieldheight, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");

            /* Create a form field of type "combobox".
             * Set the values for the combobox items (itemnamelist={0 1 2 3 4}).
             * Set the labels for the combobox items (itemtextlist={...}).
             * Set the focus on the last item (currentvalue=XXL).
             * Allow the user to change an item (editable=true)

            optlist = "tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}} tooltip={" + labeltext + "} " + 
                "font=" + font + " fontsize=12 backgroundcolor={gray 0.9} " +
                "bordercolor={gray 0.7} itemnamelist={0 1 2 3 4} " +
                "currentvalue=XXL itemtextlist={S M L XL XXL} editable=true";

            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldwidth, y + fieldheight,
                "size", "combobox", optlist);


            /* =================== List box ======================== */
            id_Div = p.begin_item("Div", "");
            y -= 4 * fieldheight;

            labeltext = "Select model:";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x1, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");

            /* Create a form fiels of type "listbox".
             * Set the values for the list items (itemnamelist={0 1 2 3}).
             * Set the labels for the list items (itemtextlist={...}).
             * Set the focus on the first item (currentvalue=0).
            optlist = "tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}} tooltip={" + labeltext + "} " + 
                "font=" + font + " fontsize=12 backgroundcolor={gray 0.9} " +
                "bordercolor={gray 0.7} itemnamelist={0 1 2 3} currentvalue=0 "+
                "itemtextlist={{Long Distance Glider} {Giant Wing} " +
                "{Cone Head Rocket} {Super Dart}}";
            y -= 2.5 * fieldheight;

            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldwidth, y + 3*fieldheight,
                "model", "listbox", optlist);


            /* =================== Check boxes ======================== */
            id_Div = p.begin_item("Div", "");
            y -= 2 * fieldheight;

            labeltext = "Select extras:";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x1, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");

            /* The nested Div element encloses the check boxes */
            id_Div2 = p.begin_item("Div", "");

            /* Create several form fields of type "checkbox" */
            optlist = "buttonstyle=cross bordercolor={gray 0} " +
                "backgroundcolor={rgb 0.95 0.95 1} fillcolor={rgb 0.25 0 0.95}";

            /* Emit the Caption text before the field because logically it comes first. */
            labeltext = "glossy paper";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x2 + 2 * fieldsmall, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");
            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldsmall, y + fieldsmall,
                labeltext, "checkbox",
                optlist + " tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}} tooltip={" + labeltext + "}");

            y -= fieldheight;
            labeltext = "rainbow colors";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x2 + 2 * fieldsmall, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");
            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldsmall, y + fieldsmall,
                labeltext, "checkbox",
                optlist + " tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}} tooltip={" + labeltext + "}");


            /* =================== radio buttons ======================== */
            id_Div = p.begin_item("Div", "");
            y -= 3 * fieldheight;

            labeltext = "Select color:";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x1, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");

            /* The nested Div element encloses the buttons */
            id_Div2 = p.begin_item("Div", "");

            /* First create a form field group called "colors" */
                "fieldtype=radiobutton tooltip={" + labeltext + "}");

            /* Create several form fields of type "radiobutton". 
             * All fields belong to the "colors" field group. Indicate this
             * relationship by providing each radiobutton field name with the
             * prefix "colors.".
             * Activate the first radio button (currentvalue={On}).
             * The tooltip is always shared by the group.
            optlist = "buttonstyle=circle bordercolor={gray 0.8}";

            /* Emit the Caption text before the field because logically it comes first. */
            labeltext = "standard";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x2 + 2 * fieldsmall, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");
            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldsmall, y + fieldsmall,
                "colors."+labeltext, "radiobutton",
                optlist + " currentvalue={On} tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}}");

            y -= fieldheight;

            labeltext = "yellow";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x2 + 2 * fieldsmall, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");
            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldsmall, y + fieldsmall,
                "colors."+labeltext, "radiobutton",
                optlist + " tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}}");

            y -= fieldheight;

            labeltext = "blue";
            p.fit_textline(labeltext, x2 + 2 * fieldsmall, y, "tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P}}");
            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + fieldsmall, y + fieldsmall,
                "colors."+labeltext, "radiobutton",
                optlist + " tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}}");


            /* =================== Push button ======================== */

            /* Create a print field of type "pushbutton". */

            /* Create an action for executing the Acrobat command File/Print */
            printaction = p.create_action("Named", "menuname=Print");

            y -= 3*fieldheight;

            optlist = "bordercolor={rgb 0.25 0 0.95} " +
                "backgroundcolor={rgb 0.95 0.95 1} " +
                "fillcolor={rgb 0.25 0 0.95} font=" + font + " fontsize=14";

            labeltext = "Print form";

            /* For the Div-->Caption-->P-->Form nesting we use quadruple abbreviated tagging */
            p.create_field(x2, y, x2 + 0.5*fieldwidth, y + fieldheight,
                "print", "pushbutton",
                optlist + " caption={" + labeltext + "} " +
                "action={up " + printaction + "} " +
                "tag={tagname=Div tag={tagname=Caption tag={tagname=P tag={tagname=Form}}}} tooltip={" + labeltext + "}");


        catch (PDFlibException e) {
            System.err.println("PDFlib exception occurred:");
            System.err.println("[" + e.get_errnum() + "] " + e.get_apiname() +
                ": " + e.get_errmsg());
            exitcode = 1;
        catch (Exception e) {
            exitcode = 1;
        finally {
            if (p != null) {