set_option("searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}"); /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */ $p->set_option("errorpolicy=return"); if ($p->begin_document($outfile, "") == 0) throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg()); $p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook"); $p->set_info("Title", $title); /* Load the font "NotoSerif-Regular" with "unicode" encoding. * "replacementchar=?" defines a question mark to be used for glyph * substitution in case of a missing glyph. */ $font = $p->load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "unicode", "replacementchar=?"); if ($font == 0) throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg()); /* Start page */ $p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.height height=a4.width"); /* Define three option lists for fit_textline(). * The "inp" option list is just for descriptive text. * The "repl" option list enables the interpretation of character * references using "charref" and uses glyph substitution which is * enabled by default ("glyphcheck=replace"). * The second option list enables the interpretation of character * references using "charref" but explicitly disables glyph * substitution. Alternatively, glyph substitution can be disabled * with $p->set_option("glyphcheck=none"); */ $inp = "font=" . $font . " fontsize=14"; $repl = "charref font=" . $font . " fontsize=22"; $norepl = "charref glyphcheck=none font=" . $font . " fontsize=22"; /* Output some descriptive header lines for the input, output, and * remark column */ $p->fit_textline("Glyphs in the NotoSerif-Regular font", $x, $y, "font=" . $font . " fontsize=16"); $opts = " underline underlinewidth=1"; $p->fit_textline("Input", $x, $y-=2*$yoff, $inp . $opts); $p->fit_textline("Output", $x2, $y, $inp . $opts); $p->fit_textline("Remark", $x4, $y, $inp . $opts); $p->fit_textline("glyphcheck=replace", $x2, $y-=$yoff, $inp . $opts); $p->fit_textline("glyphcheck=none", $x3, $y, $inp . $opts); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Use various notations to output the Euro symbol as U+20AC which is * available in the font. * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* PHP Unicode notation, * The first string "\\u{20AC}" is a descriptive text and results * in an output of "\u{20AC}" since the two slashes are resolved by * the PHP interpreter to one slash. */ $p->fit_textline("U+20AC literal", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("\u{20AC}", $x2, $y, $repl ); $p->fit_textline("\u{20AC}", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Character reference in HTML style with hexadecimal number */ $p->fit_textline("€", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("€", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("€", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Character reference in HTML style with decimal number */ $p->fit_textline("€", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("€", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("€", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Character reference in HTML style with entity name */ $p->fit_textline("€", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("€", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("€", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Character reference using a glyph name provided by the font or the * Adobe Glyph List (AGL) */ $p->fit_textline("&.Euro;", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("&.Euro;", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("&.Euro;", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Character reference using a glyph name provided by the Adobe Glyph * list (AGL) */ $p->fit_textline("&.uni20AC;", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("&.uni20AC;", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("&.uni20AC;", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use various notations to output the ligature "ffi" which is available * in the font * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PHP Unicode notation */ $p->fit_textline("U+FB03 literal", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("\u{FB03}", $x2, $y, $repl ); $p->fit_textline("\u{FB03}", $x3, $y, $norepl ); $p->fit_textline("ffi ligature available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Character reference using a glyph name provided by the font or the * Adobe Glyph List (AGL) */ $p->fit_textline("&.ffi;", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("&.ffi;", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("&.ffi;", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("ffi ligature available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Output the glyph for a glyph which is not available in the font * (this problem can be addressed with fallback fonts) * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $p->fit_textline("U+05D0 literal", $x, $y-=$yoff, $inp); $p->fit_textline("\u{05D0}", $x2, $y, $repl); $p->fit_textline("\u{05D0}", $x3, $y, $norepl); $p->fit_textline("Hebrew glyph Aleph not available in the font", $x4, $y, $inp); /* Finish page */ $p->end_page_ext(""); $p->end_document(""); $buf = $p->get_buffer(); $len = strlen($buf); header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Length: $len"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=glyph_replacement.pdf"); print $buf; } catch (PDFlibException $e) { echo("PDFlib exception occurred:\n". "[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() . ": " . $e->get_errmsg() . "\n"); exit(1); } catch (Throwable $e) { echo("PHP exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); exit(1); } $p = 0; ?>