set_option("searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}"); /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */ $p->set_option("errorpolicy=return"); /* Set an output path according to the name of the topic */ if ($p->begin_document($outfile, "") == 0) throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg()); $p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook"); $p->set_info("Title", $title ); /* Create an A4 Landscape page */ $p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.height height=a4.width"); /* Text containing tab stops to create a multi-column layout */ $text = "ITEM\tDESCRIPTION\tQUANTITY\tPRICE\tAMOUNT\n" . "1\tSuper Kite\t2\t20.00\t40.00\n" . "2\tTurbo Flyer\t5\t40.00\t200.00\n" . "3\tGiga Trash\t1\t180.00\t180.00\n\n" . "\t\t\tTOTAL\t420.00"; /* Assemble option list. Use the "ruler" option to define the absolute * positions of four tab stops. With the "tabalignment" option define the * alignment of the four tab stops at their positions. Each tab stop is * defined by its position in the list. Use the "hortabmethod=ruler" * option to make the the tabs being considered. */ $optlist = "ruler ={60 200 300 400} tabalignment={left center right right} " . "hortabmethod=ruler leading=120% fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=12 "; /* Add the Textflow with the option list defined above */ $tf = $p->add_textflow($tf, $text, $optlist); if ($tf == 0) throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg()); /* Set the color for the border */ $p->setcolor("stroke", "rgb", 0.85, 0.83, 0.85, 0); /* Place the Textflow in the fitbox */ $result = $p->fit_textflow($tf, 100, 250, 500, 340, "showborder"); if ($result != ("_stop")) { /* Check for errors */ } $p->delete_textflow($tf); $p->end_page_ext(""); $p->end_document(""); $buf = $p->get_buffer(); $len = strlen($buf); header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Length: $len"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=tabstops_in_text.pdf"); print $buf; } catch (PDFlibException $e) { echo("PDFlib exception occurred:\n". "[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() . ": " . $e->get_errmsg() . "\n"); exit(1); } catch (Throwable $e) { echo("PHP exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); exit(1); } $p = 0; ?>