Using output encoding "UTF-8" Alphabetical list of words in the document "FontReporter.pdf" along with their page number: A a 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 A 1, 3, 5, 9 A-1a 7 ABC 1 about 7, 8 access 8 achieving 9 Acrobat 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 ActiveX 2 actual 9 addition 9 address 9 addressed 9 addressing 9 Adobe 2, 5, 8 advantages 8 Advantages 8 AIX 2 all 2, 5, 7, 8 All 2, 8 allows 8 along 8 already 8 also 5, 9 Alternatively 5 Although 2 always 9 an 8, 9 analyze 7 analyzing 1 and 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 any 2, 5, 8, 9 Apple 2 application 5 Application 5 applications 9 archive 2 are 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 area 9 as 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 aspect 9 association 2 assumes 2 at 2 automatically 5 auxiliary 8 available 5, 8, 9 B based 8 be 2, 5, 8, 9 because 7 been 8 between 9 bitmap 9 bitmapped 9 both 8 box 5 brand 2 bringing 7 Business 2 but 2, 5 by 2, 5, 9 bytes 9 C C 5 can 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 cannot 2 causes 7 certified 5 Certified 5 CFF 9 change 2 Chapter 8 character 9 Character 9 characters 9 charge 2 check 2, 5, 7 Chinese 9 choose 5 chooses 5 CID 9 CJK 8, 9 classic 9 Classic 9 Click 5 CMap 9 CMaps 9 codes 9 collection 9 com 2, 8 combination 2 come 9 commercial 2 commitment 2 common 9 companion 8 company 2 compared 8 Comparison 9 complicated 9 component 8 compose 9 composite 9 Composite 9 Compressed 9 comprise 9 Computer 2 configuration 9 confusing 9 consequential 2 construed 2 contact 2 contain 7, 8, 9 contained 7 containing 8 contents 8 Contents 3 conversion 9 converted 7, 9 converting 9 Copy 5 copying 7 Copyright 2 corporate 8 Corporation 2 create 7, 8 Create 7 created 9 creation 7, 9 current 7 currently 8 Currently 5 D damages 2 data 8, 9 DC 5, 8 deals 8 demonstration 1 Depending 5 depends 9 described 9 desktop 5, 8 details 9 directly 9 disclaims 2 disk 5 displayed 8 distinction 9 do 3, 7, 8 document 7, 8, 9 Document 8 documents 7, 8 doesn 5 domain 2 done 5 Double-click 5 down 5 download 8 downloaded 8 Dozens 9 driver 7, 9 E e 7, 8, 9 E 2 each 8 easy 7 Edit 5 effects 9 either 2 embedded 8, 9 encoding 8, 9 encoding-related 7 encouraged 2 ended 7 English 5 enough 8 Error 3 errors 2, 7 evaluation 8 even 8 event 2 existing 8 experiment 8 explains 9 express 2 expressly 2 extension 9 extracting 8 extraction 7, 8 Extraction 8 extracts 8 F factor 9 factors 9 fax 2 fee 2 Fig 7 Figure 7 file 7 File 8 files 5 Files 5 filling 9 find 7 Finder 5 first 5 fitness 2 flavors 9 flaws 7 flexible 9 folder 5 following 5, 8 follows 5 font 7, 8, 9 Font 3, 7, 9 font- 7 FontReporter 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 fonts 1, 7, 9 Fonts 8 for 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 For 5 format 9 Format 9 formats 8, 9 Formats 3, 9 Franziska-Bilek-Weg 2 free 2, 8 Free 8 freely 8 from 7, 8, 9 full 8 Fully 8 functional 8 functionality 8 furnished 2 G g 7, 8 garbage 7 General 5 generate 9 German 5 Germany 2 get 9 glyph 8 glyphs 7, 8, 9 GmbH 2 Go 5 Group 2 groups 2 guaranteed 8 H have 2, 8 help 9 helps 7 here 9 herein 2 high 2 History 3 HKS 2 hold 5 Hostmann-Steinberg 2 however 2 However 8 I i 9 IBM 2 ID 9 identify 7 Identity 9 if 5, 7 If 2, 5 IFilter 8 image 5, 8, 9 Image 8 implementation 8 implied 2 important 9 in 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 In 2, 9 inaccuracies 2 Inc 2 incidental 2 include 2, 9 including 2, 8, 9 indexing 8 info 2 information 2, 7, 8 Inks 2 ins 5 install 5 installed 8 installer 5 Installing 3, 5 instead 9 Instead 9 integrated 8 intended 9 interactive 8 interested 7 interface 5, 8 interfaces 5 intermediate 9 International 2 interpret 9 into 2, 8 investigate 7 Investigate 3 is 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 iSeries 2 it 2, 5, 8 It 7, 8 its 5 J Japanese 9 Java 2 K K 2 key 5 kind 2 kinds 8 Korean 9 L language 5 languages 5 large 7, 9 learn 7 liability 2 liable 2 library 8 Library 5 license 2 licensees 2 Licensing 2 limited 2, 8, 9 list 2, 8 loaded 5 local 8 location 5 logo 2, 9 logos 7 looks 5 lost 2 M Machines 2 Macintosh 2 macOS 5 mailing 2 mainly 9 make 5 Make 5 makes 2, 8 manually 5 Map 9 mapping 7, 8, 9 mappings 7 marks 2 Master 9 maximum 9 may 2 menu 7 merchantability 2 Messages 3 metadata 8 Microsoft 2, 8 Microsystems 2 MM 9 MMType1 9 mode 5 Mode 5 more 7, 8, 9 most 9 mount 5 much 8, 9 Multi-lingual 5 multiple 5 Multiple 9 München 2 must 5 N name 9 Name 9 name-based 9 names 2, 8 neo 2 no 2 noninfringement 2 normalizes 8 not 2, 5, 8, 9 Notes 9 notice 2 number 2, 9 O of 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 often 9 on 5, 8, 9 only 1, 5, 9 open 5, 8 Open 2 OpenType 2, 9 operations 9 Option 5 options 8, 9 or 2, 8, 9 order 9 original 9 OS 2 other 2, 5 Other 2, 9 others 2 our 8 Outdated 1 outlines 9 output 8 over 8 overall 9 overview 8 Overview 3, 9 P pages 7, 8 panel 8 part 5 particular 2, 7, 9 particularly 9 party 2 patented 8 path 5 pattern 9 PDF 1, 3, 7, 8, 9 PDF-creating 9 pdflib 2, 8 PDFlib 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 per 9 permission 2 phone 2 placed 5 plays 9 please 2 plug 5 plugin 5, 8 Plugin 1, 5, 8 plug-ins 5 Plug-ins 5 Plug-Ins 7 PostScript 2, 7, 9 predefined 9 Preferences 5 present 7 presents 8 print 8 printer 7, 9 printing 7 Printing 2 problems 2, 7 Problems 3 Proceed 5 process 8 product 2 products 8 profits 2 program 8 Program 5 programming 8 properties 8, 9 Properties 8 provide 2, 8, 9 provided 2 provides 7, 8 providing 9 public 2 publication 2 purpose 2 purposes 2 Q quality 2 questions 2 quick 9 R rarely 9 raw 9 re 5 Reader 5, 8 readymade 9 redistributed 2 regardless 8 registered 2 report 7 Report 3, 7 reports 7, 9 represented 7 require 9 required 7 Requirements 5 reserved 2 respect 2 responsibility 2 result 9 results 7 retrieval 8 Revision 3 rights 2 robust 8 role 9 run 2 running 5 runs 5 S s 5, 8, 9 sales 2 Sample 7 save 8 savings 2 schemes 9 Schmincke 2 search 8 searched 8 see 7 seem 5 separate 7 server 8 Server 8 service 2 set 9 settings 9 SharePoint 8 should 2, 5 shown 7 simple 9 Simple 9 single 5 situations 7 size 7 so 8 So-called 9 software 2, 8, 9 Solaris 2 sold 2 some 7 Some 9 special 9 specifies 9 SQL 8 standalone 8 stand-alone 2 statutory 2 strive 2 subdirectory 5 subject 2 subset 7 subsets 7 such 9 summary 9 Sun 2 support 2, 8 Support 2, 5 supported 8, 9 Supported 8 supports 5, 8, 9 sure 5 symbols 7 system 5 systems 8 Systems 2 T t 5 table 9 Table 9 tables 7, 8 technology 7 test 7 TET 8 text 7, 8 Text 8 than 9 that 5, 8 the 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 The 2, 5, 8, 9 their 8, 9 therefore 9 these 9 These 9 they 7, 9 They 9 third 2 this 2, 9 This 2, 5, 7, 8 to 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 To 5 too 7 tool 7, 8 Toolkit 8 ToUnicode 7 trademark 2 trademarks 2 Troubleshooting 5 TrueType 2, 9 Two 7 Type 7, 9 Type1 9 Type1C 9 Type3 9 types 8, 9 typical 5, 7 U unchecked 5 under 9 Unicode 2, 7, 8 unintentionally 7 Unix 2 up 7, 8, 9 us 2 use 2, 8, 9 Use 5 used 8, 9 useful 7 user 5 User-defined 9 username 5 users 5 Users 5 uses 5 Using 7, 8 V values 8 variable 9 variety 7 vector 9 version 1 Version 1 versions 5, 8 via 8 visible 5 visualize 7 W warranties 2 warranty 2 we 2, 9 Web 8 WebSphere 2 well 8 Western 8, 9 What 3, 7 whether 2, 7 which 7, 8, 9 While 9 widths 8 will 2, 5, 7 Windows 2, 5, 8 with 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 within 7 without 2, 9 work 5 workflow 7 Working 3, 7, 8 works 5, 8 written 2 wrong 8 www 2, 8 X X 5 x86 5 XI 5 XMP 2 XXX 5 Y yahoo 2 you 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 You 2 your 2 Z zSeries 2