Align text at an image.
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* Align text at image:
* Align text at an image
* Align text orientated to the west at the lower right corner of an image by
* retrieving the coordinates of the image matchbox.
* Align text orientated to the west at the lower right corner of an image
* orientated to the west.
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 10
* Required data: image file
/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
$searchpath = dirname(__FILE__,3)."/input";
$outfile = "";
$title = "Align Text at Image";
$imagefile = "kraxi_logo.tif";
$x1 = 0; $x2 = 0; $y1 = 0; $y2 = 0;
try {
$p = new pdflib();
$p->set_option("searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}");
/* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
if ($p->begin_document($outfile, "") == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg());
$p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
$p->set_info("Title", $title);
/* Start page */
$p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
/* Load the image */
$image = $p->load_image("auto", $imagefile, "");
if ($image == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg());
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Align text orientated to the west at the lower right corner of an
* image
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
/* Place the image in the center of a box using the "boxsize" and
* "position" options. Maintain its proportions using "fitmethod=meet".
* Use the "matchbox" option with the "borderwidth" suboption to draw a
* small rectangle around the image with the "strokecolor" suboption
* determining the border color.
/* Fit the image */
$optlist = "boxsize={300 200} position={center} " .
"fitmethod=meet matchbox={name=giantwing borderwidth=3 " .
"strokecolor={rgb 0.85 0.83 0.85}}";
$p->fit_image($image, 100, 500, $optlist);
/* Retrieve the coordinates of the second (lower right) matchbox corner.
* The parameter "1" indicates the first instance of the "giantwing"
* matchbox.
if ($p->info_matchbox("giantwing", 1, "exists") == 1) {
$x2 = $p->info_matchbox("giantwing", 1, "x2");
$y2 = $p->info_matchbox("giantwing", 1, "y2");
/* Start the text line orientated to the west at the corner coordinates
* retrieved (x2, y2) with a small offset of 3 or 2, respectively.
$optlist = "fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=12 orientate=west";
$p->fit_textline("Foto: Kraxi", $x2+3, $y2+2, $optlist);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Align text orientated to the west at the lower right corner of an
* image orientated to the west as well.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
/* Place the image in the center of a box using the "boxsize" and
* "position" options. Maintain its proportions using "fitmethod=meet".
* Using the "orientate" option orientate the image to the west. Use the
* "matchbox" option with the "borderwidth" suboption to draw a small
* rectangle around the image with the "strokecolor" suboption
* determining the border color.
$optlist = "boxsize={200 300} position={center} fitmethod=meet " .
"orientate=west matchbox={name=giantwing borderwidth=3 " .
"strokecolor={rgb 0.85 0.83 0.85}}";
$p->fit_image($image, 100, 100, $optlist);
/* Retrieve the coordinates of the first matchbox corner; usually this
* will be the lower left corner but with being orientated to the west
* it will be moved to the bottom right. The parameter "2" indicates the
* second instance of the "giantwing" matchbox.
if ($p->info_matchbox("giantwing", 2, "exists") == 1) {
$x1 = $p->info_matchbox("giantwing", 2, "x1");
$y1 = $p->info_matchbox("giantwing", 2, "y1");
/* Start the text line orientated to the west at the corner coordinates
* retrieved (x1, y1) with a small offset of 3 or 2, respectively.
$optlist = "fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=12 orientate=west";
$p->fit_textline("Foto: Kraxi", $x1+3, $y1+2, $optlist);
$buf = $p->get_buffer();
$len = strlen($buf);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=align_text_at_image.pdf");
print $buf;
catch (PDFlibException $e) {
echo("PDFlib exception occurred in align_text_at_image sample:\n" .
"[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() . ": " .
$e->get_errmsg() . "\n");
catch (Throwable $e) {
$p = 0;