PDFlib Cookbook



Load and place an image using various options for scaling and positioning.

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 * Starter image:
 * Load and place an image using various options for scaling and positioning
 * Place the image it its original size.
 * Place the image with scaling and orientation to the west.
 * Fit the image into a box with clipping.
 * Fit the image into a box with proportional resizing.
 * Fit the image into a box entirely.
 * Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 9
 * Required data: image file

// This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary.
$searchpath = dirname(__FILE__,3). "/input"; 
$title = "Starter Image";

$imagefile = "lionel.jpg";
$bw = 400;
$bh = 200;
$x = 20;
$y = 580;
$yoffset = 260;

try {
    // create a new PDFlib object
    $p = new PDFlib();

    $p->set_option("searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}");

    // This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.

    if ($p->begin_document("", "") == 0) {
        echo("Error: " .  $p->get_errmsg());

    $p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
    $p->set_info("Title", $title);

    $font = $p->load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "unicode", "");
    if ($font == 0) {
        echo("Error: " .  $p->get_errmsg());

    // Load the image
    $image = $p->load_image("auto", $imagefile, "");
    if ($image == 0) {
        echo("Error: " .  $p->get_errmsg());

    // Start page 1
    $p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
    $p->setfont($font, 10);

    // ------------------------------------
    // Place the image in its original size
    // ------------------------------------

    // Position the image in its original size with its lower left corner
    // at the reference point (20, 380)
    $p->fit_image($image, 20, 380, "");

    // Output some descriptive text
        "The image is placed with the lower left corner in its original " .
        "size at reference point (20, 380):", 20, 820, "");
    $p->fit_textline("fit_image(image, 20, 380, \"\");", 20, 800, "");

    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // Place the image with scaling and orientation to the west
    // --------------------------------------------------------

    // Position the image with its lower right corner at the reference
    // point (580, 20).
    // "scale=0.5" scales the image by 0.5.
    // "orientate=west" orientates the image to the west.
    $p->fit_image($image, 580, 20,
        "scale=0.5 position={right bottom} orientate=west");

    // Output some descriptive text
        "The image is placed with a scaling of 0.5 and an orientation to " .
        "the west with the lower right corner", 580, 320,
        "position={right bottom}");
        " at reference point (580, 20): fit_image(image, 580, 20, " .
        "\"scale=0.5 orientate=west position={right bottom}\");",
        580, 300, "position={right bottom}");


    // Start page 2
    $p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
    $p->setfont($font, 10);

    // --------------------------------------
    // Fit the image into a box with clipping
    // --------------------------------------

    // The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
    // its lower left corner located at the reference point.
    // "position={right top}" positions the image on the top right of the
    // box.
    // "fitmethod=clip" clips the image to fit it into the box.
    $buf = "boxsize={" . $bw . " " . $bh . 
            "} position={right top} fitmethod=clip";
    $p->fit_image($image, $x, $y, $buf);

    // Output some descriptive text
        "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} position={right top} " .
        "fitmethod=clip\");", 20, $y+$bh+10, "");

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // Fit the image into a box with proportional resizing
    // ---------------------------------------------------

    // The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
    // its lower left corner located at the reference point.
    // "position={center}" positions the image in the center of the
    // box.
    // "fitmethod=meet" resizes the image proportionally until its height
    // or width completely fits into the box.
    // The "showborder" option is used to illustrate the borders of the box.
    $buf = "boxsize={" . $bw . " " . $bh . 
                "} position={center} fitmethod=meet showborder";
    $p->fit_image($image, $x, $y-=$yoffset, $buf);

    // Output some descriptive text
        "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} position={center} " .
        "fitmethod=meet showborder\");", 20, $y+$bh+10, "");

    // ---------------------------------
    // Fit the image into a box entirely
    // ---------------------------------

    // The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
    // its lower left corner located at the reference point.
    // By default, the image is positioned in the lower left corner of the
    // box.
    // "fitmethod=entire" resizes the image proportionally until its height
    // or width completely fits into the box.
    $buf =  "boxsize={" . $bw . " " . $bh . "} fitmethod=entire";
    $p->fit_image($image, $x, $y-=$yoffset, $buf);

    // Output some descriptive text
        "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} fitmethod=entire\");",
        20, $y+$bh+10, "");




    $buf = $p->get_buffer();
    $len = strlen($buf);

    header("Content-type: application/pdf");
    header("Content-Length: $len");
    header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=starter_image.pdf");
    print $buf;

catch (PDFlibException $e) {
    echo("PDFlib exception occurred in starter_image sample:\n" .
        "[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() . ": " .
        $e->get_errmsg() . "\n");
catch (Throwable $e) {

$p = 0;
