Form fields within PDF/A-2b.
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* Create form fields for PDF/A-2b
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 10
* Required data: font file
/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
$searchpath = dirname(__FILE__,3)."/input";
$exitcode = 0;
$title = "Form fields in PDF/A-2b";
try {
$x1 = 50; $x2 = 150; $y = 750;
$fieldheight=24; $fieldwidth=200; $fieldsmall=12;
$p = new pdflib();
* errorpolicy=exception means that program will stop
* if one of the API function runs into a problem.
$p->set_option("errorpolicy=exception searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}");
$p->begin_document("", "pdfa=PDF/A-2b") ;
if ($p->load_iccprofile("sRGB", "usage=outputintent") == 0){
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg() ."<br/>\n" .
"See www.pdflib.com for output intent ICC profiles.");
$p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
$p->set_info("Title", $title);
$p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
$font = $p->load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "winansi", "simplefont nosubsetting");
$p->setfont($font, 24.0);
$p->fit_textline("Kraxi paper planes order form", $x1, $y, "");
$p->create_bookmark("Kraxi paper planes order form", "");
$p->setfont($font, 12.0);
/* =================== Text field ======================== */
$y -= 3 * $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "Enter name:";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x1, $y + 0.5* $fieldheight, "");
$optlist = "currentvalue= {John Doe} bordercolor={gray 0.7} backgroundcolor={gray 0.9} font=" . $font;
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2+$fieldwidth, $y+$fieldheight,
"name", "textfield", $optlist);
/* =================== Combo box ======================== */
$y -= 3 * $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "Select size:";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x1, $y + 0.5* $fieldheight, "");
/* Create a form field of type "combobox".
* Set the values for the combobox items (itemnamelist={0 1 2 3 4}).
* Set the labels for the combobox items (itemtextlist={...}).
* Set the focus on the last item (currentvalue=XXL).
* Allow the user to change an item (editable=true)
$optlist =
"font=" . $font . " fontsize=12 backgroundcolor={gray 0.9} " .
"bordercolor={gray 0.7} itemnamelist={0 1 2 3 4} " .
"currentvalue=XXL itemtextlist={S M L XL XXL} editable=true";
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldwidth, $y + $fieldheight,
"size", "combobox", $optlist);
/* =================== List box ======================== */
$y -= 4 * $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "Select model:";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x1, $y, "");
/* Create a form fiels of type "listbox".
* Set the values for the list items (itemnamelist={0 1 2 3}).
* Set the labels for the list items (itemtextlist={...}).
* Set the focus on the second item (currentvalue=1).
$optlist =
"font=" . $font . " fontsize=12 backgroundcolor={gray 0.9} " .
"bordercolor={gray 0.7} itemnamelist={0 1 2 3} currentvalue=1 " .
"itemtextlist={{Long Distance Glider} {Giant Wing} " .
"{Cone Head Rocket} {Super Dart}}";
$y -= 2.5 * $fieldheight;
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldwidth, $y + 3*$fieldheight,
"model", "listbox", $optlist);
/* =================== Check boxes ======================== */
$y -= 2 * $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "Select extras:";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x1, $y, "");
/* Create several form fields of type "checkbox" */
$optlist = "buttonstyle=cross bordercolor={gray 0} " .
"backgroundcolor={rgb 0.95 0.95 1} fillcolor={rgb 0.25 0 0.95}";
/* Emit the Caption text before the field because logically it comes first. */
$labeltext = "glossy paper";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x2 + 2 * $fieldsmall, $y, "");
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldsmall, $y + $fieldsmall,
$labeltext, "checkbox",
$optlist . " currentvalue={On}");
$y -= $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "rainbow colors";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x2 + 2 * $fieldsmall, $y, "");
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldsmall, $y + $fieldsmall,
$labeltext, "checkbox",
/* =================== radio buttons ======================== */
$y -= 3 * $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "Select color:";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x1, $y, "");
/* First create a form field group called "colors" */
$p->create_fieldgroup("colors", "fieldtype=radiobutton");
/* Create several form fields of type "radiobutton".
* All fields belong to the "colors" field grou$p-> Indicate this
* relationship by providing each radiobutton field name with the
* prefix "colors.".
* Activate the first radio button (currentvalue={On}).
$optlist = "buttonstyle=circle bordercolor={gray 0.8}";
/* Emit the Caption text before the field because logically it comes first. */
$labeltext = "standard";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x2 + 2 * $fieldsmall, $y, "");
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldsmall, $y + $fieldsmall,
"colors." . $labeltext, "radiobutton",
$optlist . " currentvalue={On} ");
$y -= $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "yellow";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x2 + 2 * $fieldsmall, $y, "");
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldsmall, $y + $fieldsmall,
"colors." . $labeltext, "radiobutton",
$y -= $fieldheight;
$labeltext = "blue";
$p->fit_textline($labeltext, $x2 + 2 * $fieldsmall, $y, "");
$p->create_field($x2, $y, $x2 + $fieldsmall, $y + $fieldsmall,
"colors." . $labeltext, "radiobutton",
$buf = $p->get_buffer();
$len = strlen($buf);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=form_fields_pdfa2b.pdf");
print $buf;
} catch (PDFlibException $e) {
echo("PDFlib exception occurred:\n" .
"[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() .
": " . $e->get_errmsg() . "\n");
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo("PHP exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
$p = 0;