Create text on a path.
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* Create text on a path
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 9
* Required data: Image file with clipping path
* Interface for the different use cases.
interface use_case {
function create_page_content($p);
function use_case_description();
class useCase1 implements use_case{
function use_case_description() {
return "Text on Explicitly Constructed Path";
function create_page_content($p){
global $a4_width, $a4_height, $font;
$x = $a4_width / 2; $y = $a4_height / 2;
$radius = 150;
/* Draw a circle in the origin; use "clockwise=false"
* to place text in the reverse direction.
$path = 0;
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, 0, 0, "circle",
"clockwise=true radius=" . $radius);
/* Place text on the path */
$p->setfont($font, 36);
/* By default the circle and therefore the text starts at
* the "western" side of the circle. We translate to the
* origin of the circle and then rotate to start the text
* at the top (or some other location on the circle,
* e.g. use +90 to start the text at the bottom).
$p->translate($x, $y);
"Long Distance Glider with sensational range!",
0, 0,
"textpath={path=" . $path . "} position={left bottom}");
/* We also draw the path for demonstration purposes */
$p->draw_path($path, 0, 0, "stroke");
class useCase2 implements use_case{
function use_case_description() {
return "Text on Clipping Path of Image";
function create_page_content($p){
global $a4_width, $a4_height, $font, $imagefile;
* Load image and retrieve its clipping path.
$image = $p->load_image("auto", $imagefile, "");
if ($image == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
$image_clipping_path = $p->info_image($image, "clippingpath", "");
if ($image_clipping_path == 0)
throw new Exception(
"Error: Image does not contain a clipping path");
* Center the image on the page, scale it to half the size
* of the page.
$img_width = $a4_height / 2;
$img_height = $a4_width / 2;
$box_llx = $a4_width / 2 - $img_width / 2;
$box_lly = $a4_height / 2 - $img_height / 2;
$fit_options = "boxsize={" . $img_width . " "
. $img_height . "} position=center fitmethod=meet";
$p->fit_image($image, $box_llx, $box_lly, $fit_options);
$image_llx = $box_llx + $p->info_image($image, "x1", $fit_options);
$image_lly = $box_lly + $p->info_image($image, "y1", $fit_options);
* Determine the scaling factors for the image.
$img_scale_factor_x = $p->info_image($image, "fitscalex", $fit_options);
$img_scale_factor_y = $p->info_image($image, "fitscaley", $fit_options);
$scale_option = "scale={" . $img_scale_factor_x
. " " . $img_scale_factor_y . "}";
/* Place text on the path; we start at 23% of the
* path length for a nice effect.
$p->setfont($font, 24);
"Hi! I'm Louise!",
$image_llx, $image_lly,
"textpath={path=" . $image_clipping_path . " "
. $scale_option . "} position={23 bottom} " .
"matchbox={boxheight={capheight descender}}");
class useCase3 implements use_case{
function use_case_description() {
return "Create a Gap Between Text and Path";
function create_page_content($p){
global $a4_width, $a4_height, $font;
* Create a path defined by Bezier curves. The path extends
* through a box that is half the size of the page. The box
* is centered on the page.
$box_center_x = $a4_width / 2;
$box_center_y = $a4_height / 2;
$box_width = $box_center_y;
$box_height = $box_center_x;
$box_llx = $box_center_x - $box_width / 2;
$box_lly = $box_center_y - $box_height / 2;
* The path is defined through the implicit point at (0, 0)
* and six additional control points
$step = $box_width / 6;
$path = $p->add_path_point(0, $step * 1,
$box_height / 2, "control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 2,
$box_height / 2, "control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 3,
$box_height / 2, "curve", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 4,
$box_height / 2, "control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 5,
$box_height / 2, "control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 6,
$box_height, "curve", "");
/* Place text on the path */
$p->setfont($font, 24);
"Long Distance Glider with sensational range!",
$box_llx, $box_lly,
"textpath={path=" . $path . "} position={center bottom} "
. "matchbox={boxheight={capheight descender}}");
/* We also draw the path for demonstration purposes */
$p->draw_path($path, $box_llx, $box_lly, "stroke");
class useCase4 implements use_case{
function use_case_description() {
return "Place Text on Right Side of Path";
function create_page_content($p){
global $a4_width, $a4_height, $font;
* Create a path defined by Bezier curves. The path extends
* through a box that is half the size of the page. The box
* is centered on the page.
$box_center_x = $a4_width / 2;
$box_center_y = $a4_height / 2;
$box_width = $box_center_y;
$box_height = $box_center_x;
$box_llx = $box_center_x - $box_width / 2;
$box_lly = $box_center_y - $box_height / 2;
* The path this time starts at the upper left corner of the
* box.
$step = $box_width / 6;
$path = $p->add_path_point(0, $step * 0, $box_height,
"move", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 1, $box_height / 2,
"control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 2, $box_height / 2,
"control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 3, $box_height / 2,
"curve", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 4, $box_height / 2,
"control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 5, $box_height / 2,
"control", "");
$path = $p->add_path_point($path, $step * 6, 0, "curve", "");
/* Place text on the path */
$p->setfont($font, 24);
"Long Distance Glider with sensational range!",
$box_llx, $box_lly,
"textpath={path=" . $path . "} position={center top}");
/* We also draw the path for demonstration purposes */
$p->draw_path($path, $box_llx, $box_lly, "stroke");
* Execute the example.
/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
$searchpath = dirname(__FILE__,3)."/input";
$outfile = "";
$imagefile = "luise.jpg";
$title = "Text on a Path";
/* The page dimensions */
$a4_width = 595; $a4_height = 842;
try {
$p = new pdflib();
$p->set_option("searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}");
/* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
if ($p->begin_document($outfile, "") == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
$p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
$p->set_info("Title", $title );
$font = $p->load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "unicode", "");
if ($font == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
$use_cases = array(
new UseCase1(),
new UseCase2(),
new UseCase3(),
new UseCase4());
* Place the use cases.
$headline_x = $a4_width / 2;
$headline_y = $a4_height * 4 / 5;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($use_cases); $i += 1) {
$c = $use_cases[$i];
$p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
* Options for the per-example header line
$optlist = "position=center";
$p->setfont($font, 30);
$p->fit_textline($c->use_case_description(), $headline_x, $headline_y,
$buf = $p->get_buffer();
$len = strlen($buf);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=text_on_a_path.pdf");
print $buf;
} catch (PDFlibException $e) {
echo("PDFlib exception occurred:\n".
"[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() .
": " . $e->get_errmsg() . "\n");
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo("PHP exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
$p = 0;