Control the vertical alignment of text in the fitbox.
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* Vertical alignment in fitbox:
* Control the vertical alignment of text in the fitbox
* Use the "verticalalign" option of fit_textflow() to vertically align text in
* the fitbox in different ways.
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 10
* Required data: none
package com.pdflib.cookbook.pdflib.textflow;
import com.pdflib.pdflib;
import com.pdflib.PDFlibException;
public class vertical_alignment_in_fitbox
public static void main (String argv[])
/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
String searchpath = "../input";
String outfile = "vertical_alignment_in_fitbox.pdf";
String title = "Vertical Alignment in Fitbox";
int exitcode = 0;
pdflib p = null;
int tf = -1, font;
String result, cr_optlist, fit_optlist;
final double ystart = 630;
double x = 20, y = ystart, yoffset = 200;
double boxheight = 190, boxwidth = 250;
double xtext = 300, ytext = y + boxheight/2;
try {
p = new pdflib();
p.set_option("searchpath={" + searchpath + "}");
/* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
/* Set an output path according to the name of the topic */
if (p.begin_document(outfile, "") == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
p.set_info("Title", title);
/* Load the font */
font = p.load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "unicode", "");
if (font == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Create an A4 page */
p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
/* Set the font with a font size of 14 */
p.setfont(font, 10);
/* Text to be created */
final String text =
"Our paper planes are the ideal way of passing the time. We " +
"offer revolutionary new developments of the traditional common " +
"paper planes. If your lesson, conference, or lecture turn out " +
"to be deadly boring, you can have a wonderful time with our " +
"planes. All our models are folded from one paper sheet.";
/* Option list to create the Textflow. It is similar in all cases.
* The leading is set to 120% and the alignment to justify.
cr_optlist = "fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=14 " +
"leading=120% alignment=justify";
/* -------------------------------------------
* Case 1: Align the text on top of the fitbox
* -------------------------------------------
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 1: Fit Textflow with default settings",
xtext, ytext, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* The "showborder" option illustrates the borders of the fitbox. No
* further options are supplied so the default setting
* "verticalalign=top" and "firstlinedist=leading" are used implicitly
* and the text will be aligned on top of the fitbox with the baseline
* of the first text line having a distance from the top of the fitbox
* corresponding to the leading value of the font size.
fit_optlist = "showborder";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Case 2: Align the text on top of the fitbox with a defined distance
* from the top
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
y -= yoffset;
ytext = y + boxheight/2;
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 2: firstlinedist=capheight",
xtext, ytext, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* "showborder" illustrates the borders of the fitbox.
* The default setting "verticalalign=top" is used implicitly.
* "firstlinedist=capheight" defines the distance between the top of the
* fitbox and the baseline of the first text line as the capheight of
* the font size.
fit_optlist = "showborder firstlinedist=capheight";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Case 3: Align the text at the bottom of the fitbox
* --------------------------------------------------
y -= yoffset;
ytext = y + boxheight/2;
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 3: verticalalign=bottom",
xtext, ytext, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* "showborder" illustrates the borders of the fitbox.
* "verticalalign=bottom" aligns the text at the bottom of the fitbox.
fit_optlist = "showborder verticalalign=bottom";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Case 4: Align the text at the bottom of the fitbox with a defined
* distance from the bottom
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
y -= yoffset;
ytext = y + boxheight/2;
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 4: verticalalign=bottom lastlinedist=descender",
xtext, ytext, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* "showborder" illustrates the borders of the fitbox.
* "verticalalign=bottom" aligns the text at the bottom of the fitbox.
* "lastlinedist=descender" defines the distance between the baseline
* of the last text line and the bottom of the fitbox as the descender
* of the font size.
fit_optlist = "showborder verticalalign=bottom lastlinedist=descender";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
/* Create an A4 page */
p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
/* Set the font with a font size of 14 */
p.setfont(font, 10);
y = ystart;
yoffset = 230;
ytext = y + boxheight/2;
/* ------------------------------------------------
* Case 5: Center the text in the fitbox vertically
* ------------------------------------------------
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 5: ",
xtext, ytext, "");
p.fit_textline("verticalalign=center firstlinedist=capheight " +
"lastlinedist=descender", xtext, ytext-15, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* "showborder" illustrates the borders of the fitbox.
* The default setting "firstlinedist=leading" is used implicitly.
* "verticalalign=center" aligns the text in the center of the fitbox.
* "firstlinedist=capheight" defines the distance between the top of the
* fitbox and the baseline of the first text line as the capheight of
* the font size.
* "lastlinedist=descender" defines the distance between the baseline
* of the last text line and the bottom of the fitbox as the descender
* of the font size.
fit_optlist = "showborder verticalalign=center " +
"firstlinedist=capheight lastlinedist=descender";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Case 6: Fit the text by justifying it vertically in the fitbox
* --------------------------------------------------------------
y -= yoffset;
ytext = y + boxheight/2;
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 6: verticalalign=justify linespreadlimit=200%",
xtext, ytext, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* "showborder" illustrates the borders of the fitbox.
* "verticalalign=justify" justifies the text vertically in the fitbox.
* "linespreadlimit=200% defines maximum distance between two text lines
* as 200% of the font size.
fit_optlist = "showborder verticalalign=justify linespreadlimit=200%";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Case 7: Fit the text by justifying it vertically in the fitbox, with
* a defined distance from the top and from the bottom
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
y -= yoffset;
ytext = y + boxheight/2;
/* Output some descriptive text */
p.fit_textline("Case 7:",
xtext, ytext+15, "");
p.fit_textline("verticalalign=justify linespreadlimit=200%",
xtext, ytext, "");
p.fit_textline("firstlinedist=capheight lastlinedist=descender",
xtext, ytext-15, "");
/* Create the Textflow */
tf = p.create_textflow(text, cr_optlist);
if (tf == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Fit the Textflow.
* "showborder" illustrates the borders of the fitbox.
* The default setting "firstlinedist=leading" is used implicitly.
* "verticalalign=justify" justifies the text vertically in the fitbox.
* "linespreadlimit=200% defines maximum distance between two text lines
* as 200% of the font size.
* "firstlinedist=capheight" defines the distance between the top of the
* fitbox and the baseline of the first text line as the capheight of
* the font size.
* "lastlinedist=descender" defines the distance between the baseline
* of the last text line and the bottom of the fitbox as the descender
* of the font size.
fit_optlist = "showborder verticalalign=justify linespreadlimit=200% " +
"firstlinedist=capheight lastlinedist=descender";
result = p.fit_textflow(tf, x, y, (x + boxwidth), (y + boxheight),
if (!result.equals("_stop"))
/* Check for errors */
} catch (PDFlibException e){
System.err.println("PDFlib exception occurred:");
System.err.println("[" + e.get_errnum() + "] " + e.get_apiname() +
": " + e.get_errmsg());
exitcode = 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
exitcode = 1;
} finally {
if (p != null) {