PDFlib Cookbook


Block Handling and PPS

block_below_contents Fill PDFlib Blocks so that they are placed below the imported page.
business_cards Output an imported PDF page several times, with its Blocks filled with different personalized data.
clone_blocks Clone Blocks from another document. Use POCA to copy a modified Block.
create_blocks_with_poca Create PDFlib Blocks with the POCA interface.
dump_block_properties Dump Block information from an existing PDF document.
duplicate_block Duplicate a PDFlib Block to any number of pages.
fill_converted_formfields Output an imported PDF page with its Blocks filled with different personalized data.
linked_textblocks Link multiple Textflow Blocks.
nested_blocks Create nested Blocks.
override_block_rectangle Fill Blocks of an imported PDF page while changing the rectangle coordinates.
pdfvt1_with_blocks Create a large number of invoices in a single PDF and make use of PDF/VT-1 features.
query_block_color Query the background color of Blocks.
query_block_properties Import a PDF page containing Blocks and query various Block properties.
starter_block Import a PDF page containing Blocks and fill text and image Blocks with some data.