color/softmask_effects updated
Create a soft mask based on arbitrary geometric objects.
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* Soft mask effects:
* Create a template as luminosity soft mask in an extended gstate. These
* soft masks are very powerful and more general than simple clipping operations.
* The following soft mask effects are demonstrated:
* - For comparison the original image is shown first
* - Colorize image with soft mask: color appears in the light areas
* - Invert and colorize image: color appears in the dark areas
* - Apply opacity gradient to an image (fade-out effect)
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 10
* Required data: none
package com.pdflib.cookbook.pdflib.color;
import com.pdflib.pdflib;
import com.pdflib.PDFlibException;
public class softmask_effects {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
/* This is where the data files are. Adjust if necessary. */
String searchpath = "../input";
String outfile = "softmask_effects.pdf";
String imageFilename = "nesrin.jpg";
String title = "Soft mask effects";
final double page_size = 400;
final double border = 20;
int exitcode = 0;
pdflib p = null;
try {
int templ;
double image_box_llx, image_box_lly;
double image_llx, image_lly;
double image_width;
String image_fit_options;
int textflow, gstate_softmask;
String font_options =
"fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=12 leading=125% alignment=center fillcolor=black";
int image, bbox;
p = new pdflib();
p.set_option("searchpath={" + searchpath + "}");
/* This means that errors throw an exception */
p.begin_document(outfile, "");
p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
p.set_info("Title", title);
/* Load content which will be colorized; this could be a raster
* image, SVG graphics, PDF page or other contents.
image = p.load_image("auto", imageFilename, "");
* The image is placed centered on the page, the fitbox being
* half the width and height of the page.
image_box_llx = page_size / 4;
image_box_lly = page_size / 4;
image_fit_options = "boxsize={" + (page_size / 2) + " "
+ (page_size / 2) + "} fitmethod=meet position=center";
// Determine position and size of the placed image
image_width = p.info_image(image, "width", image_fit_options);
image_llx = image_box_llx + p.info_image(image, "x1", image_fit_options);
image_lly = image_box_lly + p.info_image(image, "y1", image_fit_options);
// Retrieve path handle for the bounding box of the placed object.
// This is convenient for filling the path with a single command.
bbox = (int) p.info_image(image, "boundingbox", image_fit_options);
// ------------------- For comparison: the original image
p.begin_page_ext(page_size, page_size, "");
textflow = p.create_textflow(
"For comparison: the original image", font_options);
p.fit_image(image, image_box_llx, image_box_lly, image_fit_options);
border, border, page_size - border, page_size / 5,
* Create a template that will be used for the soft mask gstate.
* The soft mask is defined by the image contents, where light
* areas let the fill color pass through, while dark areas block
* the fill color. You can add arbitrary content (e.g. text)
* to the soft mask template.
* This technique can be used to create clipping areas by
* adding multiple areas, which is not possible with the clip()
* operation.
* Templates which will be used as softmasks must be created with
* a transparency group and a suitable colorspace.
templ = p.begin_template_ext(page_size, page_size, "transparencygroup={colorspace=sRGB}");
// Place the image which will act as soft mask
p.fit_image(image, image_box_llx, image_box_lly, image_fit_options);
p.end_template_ext(0, 0);
// ------------------- Colorize image with soft mask: color appears in the light areas
p.begin_page_ext(page_size, page_size, "");
// Create a gstate with luminosity soft mask based on the template;
// Initialize transparent background.
gstate_softmask = p.create_gstate(
"softmask={template=" + templ + " type=luminosity backdropcolor={0 0 0.000001} }");
// Fill the bounding box with color while applying the gstate
p.draw_path(bbox, image_box_llx, image_box_lly, "fill fillcolor=blue gstate=" + gstate_softmask);
textflow = p.create_textflow(
"Colorize image with soft mask: color appears in the light areas. " +
"Since dark areas block the color the image appears inverted.",
border, border, page_size - border, page_size / 5,
// ----------- Invert and colorize image: color appears in the dark areas
p.begin_page_ext(page_size, page_size, "");
// Create a gstate with luminosity soft mask based on the template
// Initialize transparent background and invert black/white polarity
gstate_softmask = p.create_gstate("softmask={type=luminosity template=" + templ + " backdropcolor=transparent invert}");
// Fill the bounding box with color while applying the gstate
p.draw_path(bbox, image_box_llx, image_box_lly, "fill fillcolor=blue gstate=" + gstate_softmask);
textflow = p.create_textflow(
"Colorize image with inverted softmask: color appears in the dark areas.",
border, border, page_size - border, page_size / 5,
// ----- Apply opacity gradient to an image (fade-out effect)
p.begin_page_ext(page_size, page_size, "");
// Create template and fill it with axial shading from black to white.
// Templates which will be used as softmasks must be created with
// a transparency group and a suitable colorspace.
templ = p.begin_template_ext(page_size, page_size, "transparencygroup={colorspace=sRGB}");
* The axial shading reaches full white a little bit before the
* right border of the image and extends beyond that point with
* full white so we get the image clearly without any transparency
* at the right edge.
int sh = p.shading("axial",
image_llx, image_lly,
image_llx + 0.9 * image_width, image_lly,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "startcolor={gray 0} endcolor={gray 1} extend1=true");
int shp = p.shading_pattern(sh, "");
// Fill the bounding box with the shading pattern
p.draw_path(bbox, image_box_llx, image_box_lly, "fill fillcolor={pattern " + shp + "}");
p.end_template_ext(0, 0);
// Create a gstate with luminosity soft mask based on the template
// Initialize transparent background
gstate_softmask = p.create_gstate("softmask={template=" + templ + " type=luminosity backdropcolor=transparent}");
// Place the image while applying the gstate
p.fit_image(image, image_box_llx, image_box_lly, image_fit_options + " gstate=" + gstate_softmask);
textflow = p.create_textflow(
"Apply opacity gradient to an image (fade-out effect). " +
"Dark gradient areas at the left block the color, making " +
"the image transparent.",
border, border, page_size - border, page_size / 5,
catch (PDFlibException e) {
System.err.println("PDFlib exception occurred:");
System.err.println("[" + e.get_errnum() + "] " + e.get_apiname() +
": " + e.get_errmsg());
exitcode = 1;
catch (Exception e) {
exitcode = 1;
finally {
if (p != null) {