Use the clipping path from a TIFF or JPEG image to shape text output.
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* Text and image clipping paths:
* Use the clipping path from a TIFF or JPEG image to shape text output.
* Case 1:
* Fit image with clipping path into the center of two text columns
* Case 2:
* Wrap text inside an image clipping path.
* Case 3:
* Use clipping path to flow text around it
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 10
* Required data: image file
function create_textflow($p) {
/* Repeat the dummy text to produce more contents */
$counter = 20;
$optlist1 =
"fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=10.5 "
. "fillcolor={gray 0} alignment=justify";
$optlist2 =
"fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=10.5 "
. "fillcolor={rgb 1 0 0} charref";
* Dummy text for filling the columns. Soft hyphens are marked with the
* character reference "­" (character references are enabled by the
* charref option).
$text =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi­pi­sicing elit, "
. "sed do eius­mod tempor incidi­dunt ut labore et dolore "
. "magna ali­qua. Ut enim ad minim ve­niam, quis nostrud "
. "exer­citation ull­amco la­bo­ris nisi ut "
. "ali­quip ex ea commodo con­sequat. Duis aute irure dolor "
. "in repre­henderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu "
. "fugiat nulla pari­atur. Excep­teur sint occae­cat "
. "cupi­datat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia "
. "dese­runt mollit anim id est laborum. ";
$tf = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $counter; $i++) {
$num = $i . " ";
$tf = $p->add_textflow($tf, $num, $optlist2);
if ($tf == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
$tf = $p->add_textflow($tf, $text, $optlist1);
if ($tf == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
return $tf;
* Interface for the different use cases.
interface use_case {
public function create_page_contents($p, $tf);
public function use_case_description();
* Use case 1:
* Fit the image with clipping into the center of the text box. Fit
* the text into the text box, and wrap it around the path retrieved
* from the image. The path must be scaled in the same manner as the
* image was scaled.
class UseCase1 implements use_case {
function use_case_description() {
return "Fit image with clipping path into the center "
. "of two text columns";
function create_page_contents($p, $tf){
global $image, $image_llx, $image_lly, $with_clipping_opts, $path, $placed_image_llx, $placed_image_lly, $scale_option, $tf, $llx1, $lly1, $urx1, $ury1, $textflow_opts, $llx2, $lly2, $urx2, $ury2;
$p->fit_image($image, $image_llx, $image_lly,
$textflow_opts = "wrap={offset=5 paths={{path="
. $path . " refpoint={" . $placed_image_llx . " "
. $placed_image_lly . "} " . $scale_option . "}}}";
/* Fill the first column */
$result = $p->fit_textflow($tf, $llx1, $lly1, $urx1,
$ury1, $textflow_opts);
/* Fill the second column if we have more text */
if ($result != "_stop")
$p->fit_textflow($tf, $llx2, $lly2, $urx2, $ury2,
* Use case 2:
* Use the inversefill option to wrap text inside the path instead
* of wrapping the text around the path (i.e. the path serves as
* text container instead of creating a hole in the Textflow). For
* creating a "hole" in the image, the image is placed without
* honoring the clipping path, and the clipping path is used to draw
* a white area inside the image
class UseCase2 implements use_case {
function use_case_description() {
return "Wrap text inside the clipping path of an image";
function create_page_contents($p, $tf){
global $image, $image_llx, $image_lly, $no_clipping_opts, $path, $placed_image_llx, $placed_image_lly, $scale_option, $tf, $llx1, $lly1, $textflow_opts, $urx2, $ury2;
$p->fit_image($image, $image_llx, $image_lly, $no_clipping_opts);
$p->draw_path($path, $placed_image_llx, $placed_image_lly,
"fill=true fillcolor=white " . $scale_option);
$p->fit_textflow($tf, $llx1, $lly1, $urx2, $ury2,
"wrap={offset=5 inversefill paths={{path=" . $path
. " refpoint={" . $placed_image_llx . " "
. $placed_image_lly . "} " . $scale_option
. "}}}");
* Use case 3:
* Do not place the image, but use its clipping path to flow text
* around it. The reference point for the clipping path is specified
* relatively to the fitbox of the textflow by percentages of the
* width and height of the fitbox in the "refpoint" suboption.
class UseCase3 implements use_case {
function use_case_description() {
return "Use clipping path to flow text around it";
function create_page_contents($p, $tf){
global $tf, $llx1, $lly1, $urx2, $ury2, $path, $scale_option;
$p->fit_textflow($tf, $llx1, $lly1, $urx2, $ury2,
"wrap={offset=5 paths={{path=" . $path
. " refpoint={25% 25%} " . $scale_option
. "}}}");
$outfile = "";
$title = "Text With Image Clipping Path";
$imagefile = "child_clipped.jpg";
$searchpath = dirname(__FILE__,3)."/input";
try {
$p = new pdflib();
/* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
$p->set_option("searchpath={" . $searchpath . "}");
if ($p->begin_document($outfile, "") == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
$p->set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
$p->set_info("Title", $title );
$image = $p->load_image("auto", $imagefile, "");
if ($image == 0)
throw new Exception("Error: " . $p->get_apiname() . ": "
. $p->get_errmsg());
$path = $p->info_image($image, "clippingpath", "");
if ($path == 0)
throw new Exception(
"Error: The image does not contain a clipping path");
* Coordinates for laying out the text and the image.
/* The page dimensions */
$a4_width = 595; $a4_height = 842;
/* The margin at the left- and right-hand sides of the page */
$margin = 50;
/* The distance between the two columns */
$column_distance = $margin / 2;
/* Positions and sizes of the columns */
$column_width = ($a4_width - (2 * $margin) - $column_distance) / 2;
$column_height = $a4_height / 3;
$llx1 = $margin; $lly1 = $a4_height / 3;
$urx1 = $llx1 + $column_width; $ury1 = $lly1 + $column_height;
$llx2 = $margin + $column_width + $column_distance;
$lly2 = $lly1;
$urx2 = $llx2 + $column_width; $ury2 = $ury1;
/* Size of the box that covers the two columns */
$bbox_width = $urx2 - $llx1;
$bbox_height = $ury2 - $lly1;
* The image will be centered into a box that covers a quarter of
* the text box.
$image_width = $bbox_width / 2;
$image_height = $bbox_height / 2;
$with_clipping_opts = "boxsize={" . $image_width . " "
. $image_height . "} " . "position=center fitmethod=meet";
$no_clipping_opts = $with_clipping_opts . " ignoreclippingpath";
* The position for displaying the title for the use case.
$title_llx = $llx1; $title_lly = $ury1;
$title_urx = $title_llx + $bbox_width;
$title_ury = $title_lly + 100;
* Box position for placing the image
$image_llx = $llx1 + ($bbox_width / 4);
$image_lly = $lly1 + ($bbox_height / 4);
* Determine reference point for the image after it was placed into
* the center of the bounding box of the two columns.
$placed_image_llx = $image_llx + $p->info_image($image, "x1",
$placed_image_lly = $image_lly + $p->info_image($image, "y1",
* Determine the scaling factor for the image. "fitmethod=meet"
* scales uniformly in x and y direction, so it is sufficient to
* fetch one scaling factor.
$image_scale_factor = $p->info_image($image, "fitscalex",
$scale_option = "scale=" . $image_scale_factor;
$use_cases = array( new UseCase1(),
new UseCase2(),
new UseCase3());
* Create one page for each use case.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($use_cases); $i++ ) {
$c = $use_cases[$i];
$p->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
* Add a description for each use case.
$desc = "Use case " . ($i + 1) . ": "
. $c->use_case_description();
$title_tf = $p->create_textflow($desc,
"fontname=NotoSerif-Regular fontsize=16");
$p->fit_textflow($title_tf, $title_llx, $title_lly, $title_urx,
$title_ury, "");
* Create a textflow and pass that to the create_page_contents()
* method to put the contents on the page.
$tf = create_textflow($p);
$c->create_page_contents($p, $tf);
$buf = $p->get_buffer();
$len = strlen($buf);
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=text_with_image_clipping_path.pdf");
print $buf;
} catch (PDFlibException $e){
echo("PDFlib exception occurred:\n" .
"[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() .
": " . $e->get_errmsg() . "\n");
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo("PHP exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
$p = 0;