
PDFlib GmbH Support

For the convenience of our customers we offer optional support contracts, which help you to make the best out of your PDFlib products and to protect your investment. Support contracts are available in combination with a new product license or to renew an existing support contract.

Benefits of Support

The owner of an active support contract benefits from several advantages:

  • The support contract guarantees technical support and
  • the privilege of short response times.
  • All minor updates (maintainance releases) are included.
  • All major updates are free (as long as they are released and requested within the time frame of an active support contract).
  • To protect your investment support also ensures that the download of the licensed product will be available until the end of the product's lifetime.
  • Only support customers may purchase upgrades and additional versions of older product versions until the end of the product's lifetime.
  • Paid support is the insurance for PDFlib GmbH products: if there’s a problem, we will take care of it.

For further details please also see this detailed description of our support services. Additionally you may refer to our General License and Support Conditions.

How to buy Support

We offer support contracts for our products on an annual basis:

  • The support fee is 20% of the license fee per year.
  • Support contracts can be bought in combination with new licenses, updates and upgrades. In update and upgrade cases the support fee is calculated as 20% of the list price of the target product (not 20% of the update or upgrade fee).
  • To purchase support just tick the relevant boxes in the Support section within our purchase orders when ordering the product.
  • Automatic support renewal: we offer to automatically renew the support every year until it is terminated by the customer. Interested customers can opt Automatic support renewal on the purchase order. 

The one-year term of a support agreement is calculated from the day of purchase on. The end date of the support period will be shown on the corresponding invoice. The license key for a license which is purchased with support enables all maintenance releases until the end of the support term.

For further questions you can also contact us at

How to renew Support

After the initial one-year term of a support agreement customers can optionally renew the support:

  • Automatic renewal: If you opted for automatic renewal, we will automatically send a renewal invoice each year at the expiration date.
  • Manual renewal: We remind our customers ca. 4 weeks before the contract expires, so they can renew their support in time before the expiration date.

The fee for one year support renewal is 20% of the license fee of the current maintenance release of the licensed product at the time of renewal.

A valid license key for the base license must be supplied when purchasing support extensions. Renewal is confirmed on the corresponding invoice which also contains a refreshed license key for the license on which the support term is based. The refreshed license key is required to enable all maintenance versions which are released until the end of the renewed support period.

For all details on support renewal see the PDFlib GmbH License Guide.